At the Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick, we witnessed a remarkable phenomenon: the highest tides in the world, and a massive difference between low tide and high tide.
During low tide (shown above, late afternoon), you can head down to the beach and walk around the towering rock formations which have been carved by the powerful movement of waters through the Bay of Fundy. But don’t linger too long. You’ll need to check the daily tide charts, and you’ll need to clear out within two hours of low tide because water — lots of water — is coming.

By high tide (shown here, early the next morning), the water level can rise by as much as 52 feet. Instead of walking on the beach, people will now kayak around the rock formations which are poking out of the water.
Long ago, the Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu seemed to have this spectacle in mind when he wrote “Let the mind rest at peace. The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.”
At the Hopewell Rocks, I saw the rising and falling, the coming and going, the never-ending cycle of things rising from emptiness and then returning to emptiness again. It was an enlightening sight to behold.
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