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  • Writer's picturePaul Cotter

Many Yet One

Do you know what’s the largest single living organism on earth? It’s not a whale. It’s not an elephant. It’s a massive collection of Quaking Aspen trees living in a forest in Utah.

These Aspens are growing in a grove called Pando, which is Latin for “I spread.” While Pando is comprised of 47,000 individual tree trunks, it’s considered a single life form because every stem shares one huge collective root system. With a combined weight of 13 million pounds, these trees represent the world’s largest single living organism in terms of mass.

47,000 trees … one shared life. Think about that. Might the same be said for us?

We like to think of ourselves as individual, separate beings, isolated by our skins from everything else around us. But the truth is, we share connections to every living thing, as described so beautifully by Thich Nhat Hanh when he coined the term Interbeing.

Like the trees in Pando grove, what affects one ultimately affects us all.

(Photographer’s Footnote: the trees you see here are not Quaking Aspens. These are redwoods I photographed in Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve in California.)


Jun 25, 2023

I find it so much easier to feel one with the beauty of nature and the cosmos…..harder to embrace my oneness with the less inherently beautiful connectivities….spiders, the homeless…..even the criminal….but we truly are one and this beautiful image and message serves as a lovely reminder.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 25, 2023
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You raise a really good point: it's difficult to feel one with things that are disagreeable to us. That's the real challenge, isn't it?


Unknown member
Jun 25, 2023

Good perspective. Individual, but one. Every one matters. Think I may have heard that somewhere else!


Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 25, 2023
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"Every one matters" -- I like the double meaning of that phrase. Thank you, Steve.


Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023

beautiful perspective. Looks like the trees are reaching out to each other.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 25, 2023
Replying to

That's an excellent observation: the trees do look like they're reaching out to each other.


Jun 24, 2023

We do need that human connection in our lives. Just look back at the pandemic, even the most introverted of people needed others.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 25, 2023
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A very good insight, Andrew. Thank you for sharing it. The human connection is so essential to our lives.


Jun 24, 2023

this shows how beauty grows and flourishes when allowed to do so! Thanks for sharing Paul!

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 24, 2023
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Thank you, Bev. And the beauty is all interconnected.

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