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  • Writer's picturePaul Cotter

The Death of Reading

A sidewalk cafe in Prague … people savoring words in a book. Will scenes like this become extinct? In our world of shrinking attention spans, I worry that the pleasure of reading is becoming a relic of the past.

Scientists say we now have shorter attention spans than goldfish, who can maintain focus for 9 seconds.

I personally know several people who do not read books, articles or anything longer than an abbreviated text or tweet. And consider this: Analytics show that most people who receive email notices for my new blog posts will open the message to look at the photo. (Which is good news.) But a good number of them will not click through to read the one-minute story that accompanies the image. There’s no time or attention span for that.

For those of you still reading to the end of this post, I thank you. I fear that you’re a disappearing breed.

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Jun 07, 2023

Very thoughtful pondering. Altho I did go thru a number of years where I read only on my kindle, I could never part with a few well read, worn out books, which I now see as among my most precious possessions. It‘s unsettling to me when someone can’t name their ten favorite books let alone a single life changing book.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 07, 2023
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Dawna. I agree with you that books can be life-changing. My personal preference for reading is to have a physical book in my hands, but whether it’s Kindle or a well-thumbed old book, the joy of reading is undoubtedly one of life’s great treasures.


Jun 07, 2023

I totally laughed as I debated on clicking your link. But I enjoy these so much and they bring me such joy that I could not resist. Especially my sad days, like today. So thanks for sharing and I'm glad I clicked!

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 07, 2023
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Thank you. I’m glad you clicked through from the email to read the post — and I’m glad it brought you joy to read it.


Jun 06, 2023

Old school reading will eventually become retro cool just like vinyl records and turntables…..we just have to wait a few decades

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 07, 2023
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Let's hope it makes a rebound. That would be good in so many ways.


Unknown member
Jun 06, 2023

I read at least one book a week on my iPad- but I miss turning pages.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 06, 2023
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There is something satisfying about holding a physical book in your hands, isn't there? I'm with you: I prefer it to reading on Kindle or on my iPad.


Jun 06, 2023

Very true words, Paul! Reading is such an adventure, and we can learn so much from what we read! I think, as people’s lives, get busier and busier, sitting down to read a good book or an article gets pushed aside. Such a shame.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Jun 06, 2023
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I agree that it's part of the accelerated pace of life. People are busy and they are bombarded with more and more information from more sources than ever before. So the brain's desire to read is shutting down. As you said: such a shame.

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